Disney’s Interface
Disney is notorious for their grand themes and pristine image. Disney. Com does not stray from the idea of grand. According to Dieter Ram’s ten design principles, I will review how well Disney fits into each principle.
Innovative- Disney has a lot of innovation going on their website, not only does it incorporate call-to-action buttons that take users to informative pages but the parks, and the Disney shop but it also includes Disney+ and Movies so that users can easily click and be directed to that of their choosing.
Makes a product useful- Disney makes their storefront easily accessible so that users can easily see what they are shopping for and even makes the purchase of their streaming service very apparent as soon as the website is open and in one click users can purchase Disney+.
Aesthetic- Disney’s website is very aesthetically pleasing. The theme works with the original Disney World theme and features a lot of colors and cool images that spark attention right off the bat.
Makes a product understandable- Disney does a great job of making clear explanations of what you are purchasing and gives could descriptions of everything on the website not just things that you can purchase.
Is unobtrusive- Disney does have a common theme and does not include anything that would reflect badly or paint any user or Disney as a company in a negative light.
Is honest- Disney is very honest on their website each tab takes you to exactly where you need to go, and no crazy windows pop up and ads.
Is long-lasting- this design seems to have held the standard of what Disney usually wants their aesthetic to look like and keeps the overall theme that Disney has always had lots of blues and sparkles can be seen throughout the site which Is much like you have seen on Disney tv and Disney parks.
Is thorough down to the last detail- Disney is most certainly thorough down to the last detail, each tab is for something specific, each description, everything is accurate and doesn’t stray from the direction.
Is environmentally friendly- Disney does not seem to be as environmentally friendly, there is a lot of design going on and lots of toggles and images and colors.
Involves as little design as possible- Disney does have a lot of design going on throughout the website it isn’t overwhelming or hard to find anything they keep with the same color schemes, and everything is clear and concise to read. It does not make users have to think they can easily navigate and find anything they want as easily as one click.